Barbara Coil Memories
Honoring the life and ministry of a faithful servant of Jesus Christ
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
my journey with Barbra Walton Coil
Monday, March 2, 2020
Remembrances of Barbara
I first crossed paths with sister Barbara at the Bloomington Convention of
1983 (also her sister Sharon and brother Clayt). She would come to Nebraska
periodically through the rest of the decade and early nineties, where we all
partook of her rich ministry. She was always quality to listen to, and I have
told her this. She was quite gifted as a preacher. She was the contact through
which we were introduced to quite a few brethren from abroad.
I did not really know her much personally until after her marriage to
John in I think 1991. Jim Thiele, Anita Pelan and myself accompanied her on a
to Grand Rapids, Minnesota in 1995, where we were in meetings with George
Warnock, Bob Phillips (worked with David Wilkerson) and brother Clayt. During
the long driving hours we became much more acquainted. After this, we continued
to hear Barbara's ministry in the area from time to time.
Then came the Coils' move to Nebraska in 2017. They moved right to our
town of David City, where Barbara had to live in an assisted care facility for
most of the remaining years of her life. We would have rich times of personal
conversation about the things of God, which would distract her from the bodily
ailments giving her such trouble. In her last conversation with us, she told us
that she was going to have to go through something much harder. This was three
days prior to the amputation.
We are rejoicing for her end of earthly suffering, but we do miss her. We
are thankful to Jesus for Barbara's life and work. She is an overcomer.
Bob and Carole Unger
Connect Seward, Inc., connecting friends and neighbors in Seward County
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On Barbara's first ministry trip to Europe she called from London to say she was coming over to N Ireland. David met her at Belfast airport with a notice board with her name on it as we had never met.
Little did she know at that precise time C Krull was staying in our home and meetings were already planned.
Barb and Charles ministered together when there was a great hunger here for more of God and many were ministered to in house groups and some churches.
On the morning of departure to
go to airport then to London to meet Clare Thunder before going into eastern Europe with Bibles. We had prayed and Charles said 'just a moment', then he went to his bedroom and came back and poured out from a bag of money that was given to him as senior at the various meetings.
She cried and to our amazement she said she was literally going to go to the airport and wait till she was given a ticket. She had not asked for money and had none left.Yet this money took Clare and her to (then)communist Europe with the Bibles and established little groups in a number of countries including Czechoslovakia, Switzerland and others also.
They returned to us in N I staying to share and exhort many.
Yes it was during 'the troubles' and we were always safe and divinely protected as we made many journeys to places we hadn't been before. None of these were planned and often I would ring a few folks n then there were invitations and meetings
This was the same for the many trips she made to us. She brought others with her like Anna Mae Black, Sharon her sister, Tom Lafrance , Tonia from Stockton (I think) Linda ? from Skylar Philippino girls, Roz, Emma Memuri from Hawaii Linda ? Pavlena from Czech, the Nigerian church in London
Cecil Ducille and Burt Aspbill Gary Sonmore and his wife Tom Campbell Mark Yantze and his wife and others from Sonlight were introduced to Ireland through Barbara I hope I haven't left out any Forgive me if I have.
All were such a blessing to the Body of the Lord in Ireland
John and Barb came several times too latterly.
Barbara was a beloved sister in the Lord.
David and Heather Robinson
Sent from my iPhone
Sent from my iPhone
Barb Walton / Coil
This very last night into this very morning 3-2-2020 in a dream that was no dream, my wife, Sally and I had 'traveled' to see Barb. She sat on a couch and was speaking to us and the small group that was there of her life in God and His life in her. At one point, I reached out my hand and put it on Barb's shoulder and neck to see if it was real, and it was. Not your normal dream. I don't really understand it.
The meeting lasted a long while and as I visited with other attendees I began my own personal grieving process. In her speech, she was saying a few, "do you remember when?" and some of what she said was like, "do you know that". It was a very full night and, as always, Barb had no judgment for my imperfections, and she knew them well, as she had always been the one I could call when I had a fall, or was angry, or ready to give up, or overtaken in a sin. She would always know when to stop me and to say, let's pray and she would and I would break, like I am breaking now while writing this.
One time Barb called me from Finland or someplace 'over there' and she was weeping. The Lord in me immediately said to me to tell her "I am her land-Lord". I stopped her and told her what I had just heard in the Spirit and her tears turned into rejoicing. She said to me, "Thank you, That is just what I needed to hear. I just lost my flat" (That's what they call an apartment in strange places.) So, at that moment, she was homeless, rejoicing in God in a strange land. Can you still hear her voice that was mostly a mixture of tears and rejoicing. A certain crack in her voice. Yes…
One time, She and maybe some of her travelers came to stay with us a few days. The calls started to come in. One couple called me and asked, 'Ray can we come over and talk. We are having some marriage problems. They came and Barb and I prayed and counseled them in our living room. When we worked together on those types of things and on some of her writings and mailings, there was some kind of imparted anointing that was both exciting and convicting.
The dead baby brought to her in the middle of the night, the trip to Switzerland that my daughter went with and they got stranded for three days in Yugoslavia because of overbooked flights. That one boy from Iceland that asked for prayer in one of the Schuyler meetings and Cecil, Peter and Burt and one more could not cast out the demon… I can still hear the noise of Barbs' hard shoes walking up to the platform and as she laid hands on that stoical boy, she cried out lout, "Thor and Odin, I know you, come of or him and leave him alone". Some of you may remember that boy making noises like a volcano and then he fell down and some thought that he died and might have started to resuscitate him, but he got up a new boy and walked around the whole congregation and shook everybody's hand and said, 'Thank you, Thank you, Thank you… I had lunch with that boy after and he had gone from proud and stoical to humble and thankful.
The memories and anointed experiences would fill 20 pages and more and I know that I must stop soon. Let me also say, that giving offerings to Barb was almost akin to something like magic. (probably not the right word to use in this group, I understand) Same day- 10 fold results in my hand in cash with joy. The Lord loves a cheerful giver and it was more like awe and hilarity. The Lord was every time, faithful and, like I said, same day the envelope went into the mail it was back into my hand. I can't explain it but nobody can explain God's economy. We think 2 plus 2 = 4, but it is really like 4 minus 2 = 8. Oh, Hallelujah! God taught me this through the experiences with Barb. We all need to really know it in God.
As I began to wake up from might night long visit at her wake with Barb very much alive, I laid there this very morning and soaked it all up and wondered if it was a dream or a visitation or what I needed out of it and then saw Barb 'somewhere' with a new white flying suit. It had some kind of wings but they did not flap much and she did take offs and landings, touch and go and then as she got the hang of it she did not land, but there was much elation and joy and she was moving by the spirit like she did when she was in the body, to the world and only Japan was not visited by her, and maybe a few other places.
Barb has learned to fly. She is wearing a strange looking white robe that probably has some kind of propulsion unit in it that I don't understand, though I saw it, and there is some kind of holy righteousness and a peace which makes no sense whatsoever according to this world's knowledge and a joy unspeakable and full of glory.
I want that. I want Him.
Lord, I thank you for Your Flow that I witnessed and needed through Your servant, Barb. Let that Flow flow through me as it has been and more and more until You come or I go. What else is there?
Even so, Come, Lord Jesus. And the bride also says, 'Come'.
The psychologists of today say that the grieving process is made up of five steps.
This has only acceptance. But still I must stop and wipe my eyes.
Ray Gingrich
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Hello brethren,
In honoring the life and ministry of sister Barbara Coil we have setup this website for everyone to read and to post their memories, condolences, and expressions of love for Barbara. There are several ways for you to express your memories.
There are only good memories of Sister Barbara, who served the Lord unwavering in spite of many obstacles. She knew no barriers. When she ...
TRIBUTE TO BARBARA COIL: I first crossed paths with sister Barbara at the Bloomington Convention of 1983 (also her sister Sharon an...
Hello. I'm Barb Lafrance from Madill, Ok. Sitting here reflecting on the many memories of Barbara. First time was at John Baynes in Mich...